
As the importance of STEM education grows, we need teachers that can inspire students to maximize their potential with the latest pedagogical innovations. The pre-teaching minor at esball国际平台客户端 prepares you for a teaching career before you graduate. Enhance your degree 和 embark on a meaningful path by completing specialized courses 和 gaining pre-professional experience.

Why 预科辅修 at Clarkson?

The pre-teaching program at Clarkson prepares you for master's degrees in education in New York State, 包括esball国际平台客户端 教育学硕士 (MAT),可在我们的 首都地区校区. By obtaining a degree in your discipline along with the pre-teaching minor, you have choices after graduation, should you choose to pursue an MAT immediately or later.

You will receive personalized guidance to ensure you are fulfilling the prerequisites for advanced degrees. Gain field experience through classroom observations 和 independent study. 到你毕业的时候, you will be ready to 迈出下一步 toward certification 和 an in-dem和 career.


  • 建立学科教育学
  • 教育理论
  • 心理学
  • 科学与数学理论


The core courses for the minor are:

  • PY151心理学导论
  • PY246教育心理学
  • COMM217 Introduction to Public Speaking
  • ED560现代教师
  • STEM330/STEM530 Analyzing Science 和 Mathematical Theories from Philosophical 和 Historical Perspectives (for STEM majors)
    • or MA453/MA553 Introduction to Mathematical Teaching (for Math majors or STEM majors)
    • or an upper-level course within your major as approved by the pre-teaching minor advisor

Students are also required to complete an independent study component. Students must observe 25 hours in secondary classrooms 和 complete a paper after. The following course can fulfill this requirement:

  • ED300 Educational Field Experience (1 credit)

esball国际平台客户端的 教育学硕士 (MAT) is a one-year master's degree that leads to New York State certification in most 高中 disciplines. The minor in pre-teaching sets the foundation to apply for the advanced degree. If you are interested in applying, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • A minimum of 24 credits in a major field (biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics or history). Students who complete a more comprehensive plan of study with 30 or more credits are considered more competitive applicants.
  • PY246教育心理学. This course is offered by the Department of 心理学 every spring.
  • A semester of foreign language study. This requirement may be fulfilled by taking a language class at Clarkson, on a consortium campus or at any other accredited college. The requirement may also be fulfilled by transferring an AP language credit from a 高中 course (score of 3 or higher).
  • 累积平均绩点3分.0.
  • Four days of observation in 中间 和 高中s. esball国际平台客户端的 教育部, along with your pre-teaching advisor, can help you make arrangements for these observations.


esball国际平台客户端 和 several government programs offer a number of scholarships for the 教育学硕士. Additionally, if you complete the pre-teaching minor with a GPA of 3.2 or higher, you can receive additional scholarship support in the MAT program. Learn more about our scholarships.


Students who complete the pre-teaching minor 和 MAT can pursue roles in public 和 independent schools across New York, 美国.S. 这个世界. 通过这个途径, students become eligible for certification in New York State 和 prepare to meet the steady dem和 for K-12 educators.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, positions for 小学, 中间高中 teachers are expected to increase by 4 to 5 percent between 2021 和 2031.


Many students who complete the pre-teaching minor continue on to Clarkson’s MAT program 和 opt to take advantage of the STEM Up NY Noyce奖学金. 这项奖学金提供20美元,你高三的学费是1000美元,还有20美元,000 for your MAT year with specialized training to teach in high-needs school districts.



电子邮件: kkavanag@xjiu.net
电话: 315-268-2376

Interested in learning more about the pre-teaching minor? Contact the STEM教育协会 today with your questions.

The STEM教育协会

The STEM教育协会 supports the next generation of STEM educators through outreach programs, 差旅补助, education "boot camps" 和 scholarships.



Learn how to inspire 和 guide the next generation. If you see yourself making a difference with a pre-teaching minor from esball国际平台客户端, 迈出下一步.